EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) - Is It Really Paranormal?
<< EVP - BRIEF HISTORY << EVP - DEFINITION & CLASSIFICATION Now we ask an old age question that comes along with anything unexplained; is it really paranormal? Believers theorize that it might be of a paranormal origin while debunkers are trying to find possible rational explanation for EVP. In the following text, we will discuss several theories on what an EVP could be, where could it come from therefore if the mysterious audio originates from beyond the grave or are we simply failing to see something rational. VOICES OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY This is the most popular theory for the recordings which contain mysterious and unexplained sounds and voices. This theory is so popular that a lot of researchers who investigate ghost phenomenon use EVP as a way of communicating with people who have crossed over. VOICES OF ANGELS AND DEMONS Second theory is similar to the first one; receiving messages from other worlds. However, this theory suggests that s...